Saturday, February 1, 2014

Linus Roadster 8

Linus Roadster 8 and Linus Mixte 8. Credit:
In that first post, that manifesto, I expressed a yearning for "bikes with function and style." Linus has answered the call.

Linus based its designs on French bicycles of the 1950's and 60's. They are simple and utilitarian, but what makes them stand out is that they are elegant.  Tom wrote about Linus in this 2010 post. He noted that the "sweetheart of the bunch is the mixte," which at the time was not available as an 8-speed. Now it is (I did an update on the Roadster 8 in 2011).

I should also point out that Linus does mixtes the right way, perhaps due to that French influence. The Linus mixte meets Sheldon Brown's definition of the term.

Honorable Mention: Public Bikes. Also striving for elegant and utilitarian.


  1. Hi....checkout Legacy Frameworks out of Chicago. . There bikes are wonderful and follow the same conviction to form and function you celebrate.

  2. Hi....checkout Legacy Frameworks out of Chicago. . There bikes are wonderful and follow the same conviction to form and function you celebrate.

  3. If only Linus would sell the mixtie for women over 5'8

    We do exist. The mixtie they sell now is to small for us.
